What we do
We find solutions to problems.

We ask questions and we listen. We source innovative solutions for you to implement and evaluate effectiveness in your own operations.
Silverstream believes in innovation and we support practical, field proven product solutions. If you believe in a fresh approach to an old problem, we’re probably a good fit for a conversation.
We have four areas of focus:
> Safety
> Optimization
> Environment
> Savings
We are committed to exceptional quality and our vendor partners adhere to strict quality and performance standards. Field and product support is available from local distributor partners and Silverstream.

Who We Serve
Our customers are typically energy companies frustrated by rising safety incidents and maintenance costs, who are open to trying a new approach.
For example, consider the expense associated with rod string wear and rod pump damage due to inaccurate rod string spacing or rod rotator failures. It can add up quickly on a rod pumped well. RotaTap™ improves safety for field personnel and can save thousands in annual maintenance costs all while reducing downtime thus optimizing well productivity.
In addition to our own product, the RotaTap, we support other inventors with new and different ideas to transform the energy industry. At Silverstream, we like different, because different means looking at the problem through a new lens, with a fresh perspective.